Für dieses Projekt in Berlin arbeitete Hadmut Bittiger mit zwei weiteren Künstlern zusammen. Marco Canevacci von der Gruppe Plastique Fan-tastique erschuf für das Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin aus luftigen Kunststoffröhren ein überdimensioniertes Flüchtlingsboot. Im Inneren ertönte eine ungewöhnliche Klangkomposition von Marco Barotti mit Auszügen aus Homer’s Odyssee und Fragmenten aktueller Interviews, die Hadmut Bittiger mit Geflüchteten geführt hatte. Die Besucher konnten im Zwielicht den Schiffsbauch ablaufen und aus mehreren Lautsprechern die verwobenen Stimmen der Gestrandeten hören, damals Odysseus mit seinem Schiff, heute die Geflüchteten – meist aus Syrien – mit Booten, zu Fuß oder gar mit Fesselballons.
Hadmut Bittiger collaborated with two other artists on this project in Berlin. For the Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin, Marco Canevacci of the group Plastique Fantastique created an oversized refugee boat out of airy plastic pipes. Inside, an unusual sound composition by Marco Barotti comprising verses from Homer’s Odyssey and interviews by Hadmut Bittiger was to be heard. Visitors traversed the twilit belly of the ship to the loudspeaker accompaniment of the interwoven voices of the stranded: once Odysseus with his ship, now refugees, mostly from Syria, fleeing by boat, on foot, or even by balloon.
„To be a refugee is not something that anybody selects. No, in just one day you can be a refugee. To be in this condition we have today, no right to job, no right to everything, people of society are fighting because of us. They don´t want do see us, so people are saying send them back, so people are saying they take their job, so people are saying they are criminal, also people who don´t know … it can be happen to anybody …. The Germans can think back, it´s not their choice, what happened to Germans back, they find themselves in this condition. They have to remember back, what has happened, because it is not anybody’s choice, to be a refugee. Some lost their parents, some lost their family, some they have nobody anymore, some lost their kids, everybody lost what they worked for for many years, they lost their house they built for many years, you see, this is something that is supposed to be clear to anyone. Because it is not our choice to be as we are today.“
Bashir Zacharia, Nigeria, Flüchtling vom Oranienplatz
Stimmen/voices (Auszüge, excerpts)
Installation 2015–2017
Material: Boot aus Luft und Folie, Sound Installation mitHomers Odyssee und Ausschnitte von aktuellen Flüchtlingserfahrungen, boat of airy plastic pipes, sound installation with multilingual extracts from Homer’s Odyssey as well as fragments of refugee experiences
Fotos: Katharina Behling
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